Emily YoungApr 19, 202210 min readRat Cages: A Guide to SuitabilityCages are a vital aspect to keeping our rats safe and healthy, rats are not free roaming animals but they do require large enclosures to...
Emily YoungApr 10, 20227 min readDangerous Rat Accessories/Products to AvoidUnfortunately, a wide range of products advertised towards rats can be incredibly dangerous. It is important we, as caretakers, stay...
Emily YoungApr 6, 20225 min readSubstrateI always get the question: “What is the best substrate ?” Well, that can be a hard question to answer. There is honestly no single ‘best’...
Emily YoungApr 3, 20223 min readCleaning a Rat CageCleaning is important, we cannot let our rats live in a dirty cage. They cannot clean, we have to. I have seen a few cages (when...
Emily YoungMar 31, 20224 min readProper Cage EnrichmentI see far too many cages that are clearly set up for human aesthetics and visual pleasure, but we need to remember the rats don’t care...