Emily YoungMay 7, 20224 min readRat Breeder Red FlagsStandard Animal Breeder Red Flags: 🚩 Animals look poorly/ breeder not sending photos or requested videos A reputable breeder will send...
Emily YoungApr 10, 20227 min readDangerous Rat Accessories/Products to AvoidUnfortunately, a wide range of products advertised towards rats can be incredibly dangerous. It is important we, as caretakers, stay...
Emily YoungApr 2, 20224 min readRat First Aid Kit**Important, please read: Please guys, I urge you to be mindful here. Do not treat unknown illnesses, if your rat is showing symptoms of...
Emily YoungMar 30, 20223 min read10 Things to Know Before Getting RatsRats are very curious and intelligent animals, and a pet store will tell you a lot, but they are not as easy as they make it seem. Rats...